
Home/System Support/Cardiovascular


Nutrients and Botanicals to Support Hormonal Metabolism, Anabolic Reserves & Neuroendocrine Restoration

By | March 10th, 2018 |

Supporting the anabolic aspect of metabolism is vital to healing and repair, healthy aging, and energy for both daily life and endurance sports. This is because the anabolic process of metabolism is what ensures a healthy […]

Botanicals and Nutrients to Support Cellular Homeostasis and Mitochondrial Function

By | March 9th, 2018 |

Dysfunctional cellular metabolism, diminished mitochondrial capacity, and conditions of oxidative stress influence the development and progression of many conditions including cardiovascular, metabolic, and neurodegenerative. These factors are also hallmarks of biological aging.1-4* Diets high in plant […]

Omega Fatty Acids Influence on Cardiovascular Health, Immune Response, Cognitive Function & Skeletal Health

By | March 9th, 2018 |

Fatty acids are essential to physiological function, health, and homeostasis. They provide the substrate for lipids, one of the three main components of biological structure (along with proteins and carbohydrates). Essential for healing and repair, fatty […]