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Stress Management

Webinar: Facing the Disease of our Time: Fortifying Cellular and Genetic Integrity with Botanical and Nutritional Medicine

By | June 24th, 2022 |

Cancer is the disease of our time, and despite all of our efforts to understand it and treat it, the global incidence of cancer continues to climb.1 Cancer is an ecological disease. An excerpt from a […]

Webinar: The Pandemic of Cognitive Decline – The Role of Anxiety, the Gut-Brain Axis, and Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Cognitive Impairment

By | May 26th, 2022 |

Life expectancy has increased from 45 years in the early 1800s to 80 years or more in most European countries and among other nations, including Japan, Canada, and Australia.  A recent population-based study in Sweden found […]

Natura Fundamentals, Part II: Addressing Hormones, Mood, Inflammation, and the Immune System

By | November 25th, 2020 |

In this webinar, we continue our exploration with Part II of Natura Fundaments. We delve deeper into applications covering a broad range of botanical and nutritional medicine combinations focused on secondary fundamental targets. Dr. Jason Miller, […]

Webinar: Harmonizing the Center, Botanical Combinations for Common Digestive Complaints

By | September 24th, 2020 |

In traditional medical systems, the digestive system is often referred to as the “center.” This term refers to both its anatomical location and, most importantly, to its physiological function. Digestion is central to human physiology, and […]