Kristie Cox

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So far Kristie Cox has created 128 blog entries.
23 03, 2019

On-Demand Webinar: Seasonal Allergies: Herbal Medicine and Adaptogenic Solutions

  The most effective way to treat seasonal allergies is to treat the body's imbalance before the advent of the allergy season. By strengthening the endocrine system and bringing the immune response into balance, [...]

On-Demand Webinar: Seasonal Allergies: Herbal Medicine and Adaptogenic Solutions
22 03, 2019

Webinar: Aging Well- Botanical and Nutritional Support for Vitality and Longevity

Aging is a natural process, and although we manage to survive longer than preceding generations did, we often gain time without being healthier in those extra years. In daily practice, our primary job as [...]

Webinar: Aging Well- Botanical and Nutritional Support for Vitality and Longevity
5 02, 2019

Webinar: Cardiovascular Disease – Addressing Symptoms and Underlying Causes with Botanical and Nutritional Medicine

The current “cholesterol-centric” approach to the prevention and treatment of Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) fails to address important underlying factors associated with the body’s response to the vast array of insults that the cardiovascular system [...]

Webinar: Cardiovascular Disease – Addressing Symptoms and Underlying Causes with Botanical and Nutritional Medicine
4 09, 2018

Webinar: Botanical Agents for Anabolic Recovery: Demystifying “Anabolic”

This webinar examines the role of anabolic enhancing adaptogens in the maintenance of health and in the management of catabolic disease states. Many disease states are associated with increased tissue breakdown. Anabolic-enhancing botanical compounds can [...]

Webinar: Botanical Agents for Anabolic Recovery: Demystifying “Anabolic”
24 08, 2018

Botanicals that Alleviate Pain and Modulate Inflammation

Pain-relieving botanicals have been used for millennia in traditional medical systems. Currently, scientists in the field of pain research are studying botanical extracts as they search for compounds that work through pathways other than the opioid [...]

Botanicals that Alleviate Pain and Modulate Inflammation
26 07, 2018

A Scientific, Cellular Look At How Our Bodies Deal With Toxins

Written By Donnie Yance, MH, CN To understand how adaptogens support our bodies in dealing with toxins, let’s take a look at detoxification on a cellular level. The phenomenon of hormesis provides a novel way of viewing [...]

A Scientific, Cellular Look At How Our Bodies Deal With Toxins
19 06, 2018

The Role Of Adaptogens In Homeodynamic Space

Written By Donnie Yance, MH, CN Adaptogenic formulas are the foundation of botanical medicine. They offer an innovative approach to therapeutic intervention of chronic diseases and ageing, as they allow for the modulation of endogenous cellular defense [...]

The Role Of Adaptogens In Homeodynamic Space
23 05, 2018

Your Genes Are Not Your Destiny: The Science of Epigenetics

Written By Donnie Yance, MH, CN The science of epigenetics is turning what we’ve long held true about biological destiny upside down. Although it remains true that our DNA—our genetic code—provides the blueprint for our physiological makeup, [...]

Your Genes Are Not Your Destiny: The Science of Epigenetics
5 04, 2018

Benefits of Food-Grown Nutrients

Research repeatedly confirms that nutrients are ideally ingested as part of a whole food because of the complexity and inter-relationship of macronutrients, micronutrients, and phytochemicals in foods. This complex combination of nutrient factors confers health benefits [...]

Benefits of Food-Grown Nutrients
5 04, 2018

Saw Palmetto: Time-Honored Botanical for Prostate Health

Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens or Sabal serrulata) has a centuries-long history of therapeutic use from the indigenous Americans to modern times. Saw Palmetto berries have always been used primarily for their therapeutic benefits in male genitourinary [...]

Saw Palmetto: Time-Honored Botanical for Prostate Health
24 03, 2018

Optimizing Body Composition with Botanical and Nutritional Medicine Webinar

For many people who struggle with overweight/obesity issues, dysfunctional metabolic pathways are at the root of the problem. Once these pathways have become well established, simple dietary and lifestyle changes are often not enough [...]

Optimizing Body Composition with Botanical and Nutritional Medicine Webinar
10 03, 2018

Adaptogenic and Anabolic Botanicals to Promote Allostasis

Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic herbalists identify a group of botanical medicines that possess unique and special attributes. These herbs are found to be restorative and even rejuvenative the tissues, organs, and systems of the body. Ayurvedic [...]

Adaptogenic and Anabolic Botanicals to Promote Allostasis
10 03, 2018

Botanicals and Nutritional Compounds to Support Gastrointestinal Health

A healthy intestinal lining is essential for overall health and homeostasis. It plays a vital role in the ongoing, complex, and dynamic communication between the gut, brain, nervous system, endocrine system, and immune system. The gut [...]

Botanicals and Nutritional Compounds to Support Gastrointestinal Health
10 03, 2018

Botanical Modulation of Inflammation and Allostasis

Inflammation is an intrinsically protective response of the immune system to injury, infection or invasion by microorganisms that usually leads to resolution and tissue healing within a short period of time. The immune response involves highly [...]

Botanical Modulation of Inflammation and Allostasis
10 03, 2018

Botanical and Nutritional Compounds to Optimize Neurocognitive Health

Chronic stress, whether environmental, internal or social, has significant impact on our emotional and mental health because of its adverse effect on the neuroendocrine system. Botanical medicines offer a profound alternative or adjunct to pharmaceutical medicines, [...]

Botanical and Nutritional Compounds to Optimize Neurocognitive Health
10 03, 2018

Zinc: Essential Nutrient for Cellular Metabolism, Immune Function, Reproductive Health & Healthy Aging

Zinc, a non-toxic, biologically-essential trace mineral, is vital for almost all physiological processes. The only metal that is a coenzyme to all classes of enzymes, zinc is a key component of over 300 metalloenzymes. Zinc is [...]

Zinc: Essential Nutrient for Cellular Metabolism, Immune Function, Reproductive Health & Healthy Aging
10 03, 2018

Promoting Optimal Health with Food-Grown Vitamins D3, K1 and K2, and Vitamin A from Mixed Carotenoids

Vitamins D, K and A are all recognized as pleiotropic compounds, offering a diverse range of biological effects which support allostasis. There is considerable overlap in the influence they exert on the cellular level to calm [...]

Promoting Optimal Health with Food-Grown Vitamins D3, K1 and K2, and Vitamin A from Mixed Carotenoids
10 03, 2018

Adaptogenic Botanicals that Modulate the Neuroendocrine Stress Response, Nourish Vitality & Enhance Resilience

Adaptogenic botanicals support, restore and enhance the foundational energy systems of the body to support allostasis and prevent allostatic overload. These elite herbs are the optimal choice for deep restorative work at all systemic levels: cellular, [...]

Adaptogenic Botanicals that Modulate the Neuroendocrine Stress Response, Nourish Vitality & Enhance Resilience
10 03, 2018

Botanicals and Natural Compounds that Promote Cognitive and Brain Health

Changes in cognition, mood and neurological function are influenced by hormonal balance, vascular health, nutrition, exercise and genetics. The brain is adversely affected by chronic inflammation, oxidative stress, traumatic stress, brain injury and environmental pollutants. Nourished [...]

Botanicals and Natural Compounds that Promote Cognitive and Brain Health
10 03, 2018

Botanicals and Nutrients to Address Mood Disorders and Depression

There are over forty years of scientific reviews and research on the health-promoting potential of botanicals.6* Botanical medicines offer a profound alternative and adjunct to pharmaceutical medicines, especially when used in combination with nutrients and natural [...]

Botanicals and Nutrients to Address Mood Disorders and Depression
10 03, 2018

Nourishing Botanical Nervines to Calm Anxiety, Enhance Sleep, and Promote Relaxation

Herbal medicine has been successfully and safely used to treat insomnia, calm anxiety and promote a deep restful sleep for thousands of years. The ancient texts of Ayurvedic, Chinese and other ancient medicines discuss the causes [...]

Nourishing Botanical Nervines to Calm Anxiety, Enhance Sleep, and Promote Relaxation
10 03, 2018

Propolis, Herbs, and Essential Oils to Relieve Throat and Upper Respiratory Infections

Propolis, herbal extracts, and essential oils are well-known and revered for their anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activity. These ingredients also demonstrate the capacity to soothe inflamed membranes and promote healing. Propolis offers multiple antimicrobial benefits. The sticky [...]

Propolis, Herbs, and Essential Oils to Relieve Throat and Upper Respiratory Infections
10 03, 2018

Enhancing Metabolic Thermogenesis with Botanicals to Promote Metabolic Homeostasis

The botanicals outlined in this paper promote healthy metabolism of lipids to address conditions of overweight and obesity. Through promoting adaptive thermogenesis, these herbs encourage a healthy ratio of physiological energy storage to energy output. Metabolic [...]

Enhancing Metabolic Thermogenesis with Botanicals to Promote Metabolic Homeostasis
10 03, 2018

Botanicals and Nutrients to Decrease BPH Symptoms and Optimize Prostate Health

Many of the botanicals and natural compounds highlighted in this paper target the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme pathway, thus inhibiting over-production of DHT. At the same time, these plant extracts and nutrients work through several pathways to support [...]

Botanicals and Nutrients to Decrease BPH Symptoms and Optimize Prostate Health
10 03, 2018

Antimicrobial and Anti-inflammatory Botanicals for Allergies and Chronic Sinus Conditions

Nasal and sinus congestion can produce a wide range of symptoms including headache, tenderness in the cheeks, inner ear discomfort, sinus and eye pressure, neck pain, nasal discharge, as well as general breathing difficulties. Prolonged sinus [...]

Antimicrobial and Anti-inflammatory Botanicals for Allergies and Chronic Sinus Conditions
10 03, 2018

Quercetin’s Powerful Influence: Cytoprotective, Antioxidant, and Immunomodulatory

Quercetin is a prominent member of the vast polyphenol family. These naturally-occurring biochemical compounds are produced by plants as part of their defense system. Vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and herbs provide an abundance of these complex [...]

Quercetin’s Powerful Influence: Cytoprotective, Antioxidant, and Immunomodulatory